The Birth of GoFast

The GoFast Project was started by 4th year students in the Computer Science and Interactive Arts programs at Simon Fraser University.

We, the six students that make up the GoFast Project Team, were required to create and see to completion a project involving aspects of both computing science and interactive arts.

As we wanted to do something that had not been done before, we decided we would create a game that would require participants to be physically active. As the project had to involve electronics and/or computers, we decided to create a computer game that required more physical activity then simply manipulating a mouse, keyboard or joystick.

We started our project by investigating what games of a similar nature were already available. This included DDR, Eye Toy: Kinetic, Yourself!Fitness, electronic gym games and many others. We took note of the advantages and disadvantages of each game and then tried to come with a game that had most of the advantages and few of the disadvantages. What we came up with was GoFast, a physically active, multi-player, network distributed game.

GoFast Today

GoFast is a fully playable prototype game that has only recently been released to the general public (under the GPL). GoFast can be downloaded via GoFast's file distribution page.

Because GoFast will be open source, we are actively seeking interested parties to help with future development and testing of GoFast. Details may be found on our Call For Developers & Testers page.

The Future of GoFast

The future of GoFast is open: the final goal of the GoFast Project to successfully launch GoFast into the open source community and have its development continued on by others long after we have graduated. We see our prototype game as a seed that has the potential to grow into something great.