
April 25, 2005 Started our "Blog Blitz" marketing campaign targeting the top 30 gaming blogs on the net.
April 14, 2005 Completed editing of our second gameplay video.
April 11, 2005 Completed final project brief for our professors. it is a good summary of much of the behind the scenes work that has been completed for this project. This document can now be found in the "Text" section of this site.
April 8, 2005 Completed an initial GUI design specification for the next phase of this project.
April 2, 2005 Completed filming of our second gameplay video.
March 21, 2005 Games update: we have now played more games than we can count. Approximately 50 other students have also now played games of GoFast at varying levels of difficulty.
March 7, 2005 After receiving feedback regarding our first video of GoFast being played, we have decided to create a second video that better illustrates a go of GoFast being played.
February 28, 2005 Started distributing GoFast to game tests and early adopters at many different universities around the globe to solicit more feedback prior to publicly launching GoFast.
February 26, 2005 Wrote initial documentation necessary for mass deployment of GoFast to the general public.
February 25, 2005 Wrote a rebut of our critics. It can be found here.
February 24, 2005 Appeared on the site; apparently a lot of people there think GoFast is a stupid idea. Good for them. Received first international request to test GoFast.
February 23, 2005 Appeared on Received a lot of praise (mostly from parents), requests to play, suggestions and questions via e-mail. Had 1000's of individuals this site and view our gameplay video.
February 23, 2005 Participated in SFU's annual open house; received only praise and requests to play. Also had suggested various GoFast applications that we had not previously considered.
February 22, 2005 Started to promote GoFast, via this site, to various online media outlets.
February 21, 2005 Video of GoFast added to web site, BitTorrent tracker and download mirrors. This site now ready for a massive influx of traffic. :-)
February 20, 2005 All web site content now up to date. Site mostly optimized for slashdot.
February 18, 2005 Large GoFast marketing poster created and sent away for professional printing in preparation for the upcoming SFU Open House in which GoFast will be featured.
January 2005 Forth and fifth design/develop/test iterations completed. Game server and client finally deemed to be "stable." Construction of this web site was started. Game officially named GoFast.
December 2004 Third design/develop/test iteration completed. Testing found many flaws in the game design. However, the key objectives of the game were met with this iteration of the prototype game.
November 2004 The first two design/develop/test iterations of the game were completed.
October 2004 Analysis of how the game should be developed (i.e. game theme, basis, objective, etc). Game technicalities assessed other considerations examined.
October 2004 Research was conducted on possible competitors, video gaming market share, cost of development, etc. Research suggested that there was a demand for new approaches to computer gaming.
September 2004 A niche was found in gaming that demanded a different means of interacting with video games and a new outlook on the whole gaming experience.